Friday, March 03, 2006

NGAUS Legislative Update 3 March 2006

TAGS Meeting in DC

This week, at the Adjutants General Association conference in Washington, DC, the Air Force revealed its Phase II plan for post-BRAC Future Total Force implementation. The letter outlines new and emerging missions for the Guard and Reserve as part of the total force. The Phase II letter, signed by the Air Force, Air Force Reserve and Air Guard leadership is expected to be delivered to members of Congress next week.

During the three day conference, the Adjutants General were briefed by Gen Michael Moseley, Air Force Chief of Staff; Admiral Timothy Keating, NORTHCOM commander; Governor Mike Huckabee, Chairman of the National Governors Association; and LTG Russel Honore, Commanding General of First United States Army.

Air Force Budget Hearings

Air Force Secretary Michael Wynne and Air Force Chief of Staff, General Michael Moseley, appeared before the House and Senate Armed Services Committees this week.

At the House hearing, members had questions regarding the post-BRAC world for the Air Force and its impact on the Air Guard. Questions focused on future Guard missions and Air Guard personnel impacts from the BRAC recommendations. Transcripts for Wednesday’s House hearing are posted on the NGAUS website.

States Visiting DC.

Below are listings of the state Adjutants General and state Guard associations that have been in town over the past several weeks for their annual lobby activities. NGAUS would like to thank each of these states for keeping in touch while visiting members of Congress. NGAUS encourages all states visiting Washington to stop by the National Guard Memorial Building for an update with the Legislative staff. If you are planning a state visit to DC, let us know how NGAUS can help!

New York, New York!

The National Guard and Military Association of New York hosted a reception on Capitol Hill this past Tuesday. The reception was well attended by members and staff of the New York Congressional delegation including Congressman John McHugh and Congressman James Walsh; both are chairmen of House subcommittees that have jurisdiction over military personnel issues. MG Joseph Taluto, the Adjutant General of New York, hosted the event. MG Taluto recently returned from Iraq after commanding the 42 Infantry Division--marking the first time a Army National Guard general officer has commanded a division in combat since WWII. The New York Guard spent the following days discussion Guard needs with their Congressional delegation.


Maj Gen Harry M. Wyatt, Jr., along with members of the Oklahoma National Guard, hosted a breakfast for their Congressional delegation on Thursday morning. Senators and members of the House of Representatives and their staffs were briefed on the Oklahoma Guard’s legislative priorities. Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe addressed the group and outlined the need to increase the defense budget to equal 5% of the country’s gross national product.


The Arkansas Guard hosted a breakfast for its Congressional delegation on February 16. In attendance were both members of the Senate and a majority of the Congressional delegation. MGEN Morrow, the TAG of Arkansas, hosted the delegation and briefed them on the top priorities for the state Guard.

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Published by the NGAUS Legislative Staff:

Brig Gen (ret) Richard M. Green, Legislative Director
Scott Hommel, Deputy Director
Michele Traficante, Joint Programs
Chris DeBatt, Army Programs
Andy Vanlandingham, Air Programs
Bernie Phelps, Senior Legislative Analyst

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