Thursday, November 23, 2006

Give Thanks, O My Lord

On this beautiful day of life, I give thanks to God Almighty. Without His Providence, this beautiful land, our hope in the future of mankind, our love for one another, our gratitude, our mercy, all of these gifts would be devoid of meaning.

O gracious Lord, thank you for all You have provided for Your children. I pray You will continue to watch over us, and heal our land. On this day, it is to You whom I give thanks first and foremost. As is the case for everyday that I arise from the slumber of the day before's stresses, challenges, and rewards. Thank You, Lord.

I also give thanks that I was born in the greatest union that has ever existed on earth, except for the Garden of Eden. I am grateful for the liberties that abound, the rights-given from above so no one shall abscound with them without a fight, the lives of so many who are continuing in this struggle to keep our land free by force and by politics, and I am grateful for my friends and family. I am truly blessed.

I am very grateful to all of our heroes who will go out to do the dangerous work it takes to keep a country free. They sacrifice for pennies, they live in horrendous conditions sometimes, they follow orders that sometimes make no sense, and they do this for your family and mine. They do this willingly. They are the true heroes of this day.

They have given us the right to gather amongst our loved ones (or not, lol), while they are far away. Let us take a moment to remember them, even if a moment is all you can spare.

Today is a hectic day. Today is the day when Mom brings everyone together, cooks all the food, stops all the petty bickering, and has it all done just when you can't stand the hunger anymore. Mom is a hero as well.

Dad is the one that organizes who gets to sit near him while the 'game' is on TV. lol. Dad's, we salute you also today. We are grateful for the lives that both Mom and you have provided for us (even though we did not understand half of it. lol).

Dear, dear friends. What can I say? You are an exceptional group of people who make life worth getting up every morning. Thank you.

Re-posted from Conservative Angst.