Thursday, March 01, 2007

Maj. Bruce Crandall Receives Medal of Honor at 74

On Monday, 26 Feb. 2007, Maj. Bruce Crandall received the cherished Medal of Honor after so many years. Mr. Crandall is now 74 years old, and he was serving in the Viet Nam War when his bravery in combat duty was deemed far and above the call of duty. It's about time!

So how did the New York Times handle this great accomplishment? They put the story on page 15. If he would have been against the war...

You may read the transcript of the Honor bestowed upon Mr. Crandall at the White House here. There is also a nice commentary over at the OpinionJournal Online by Daniel Henninger. It is sad, however, that all of the good news in Iraq is being pushed to back pages of history. For shame...

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