Watch this if you can; Glenn Beck and Zuhdi Jasser
I just received this through email, and this is a good show. Mr. Jasser is founder of American Islamic Forum for Democracy. Jasser is trying to reach the moderate Muslims to let them know they are not alone. They can band together to fight back against the radicals. It is worth your time.
Glenn Beck will be interviewing M. Zuhdi Jasser, AIFD Chairman on "Glenn Beck" on the CNN Headline News Channel today, Wednesday, May 23, 2007.Mr. Jasser is also one of the Muslims who has been silenced by PBS. He participated in the film, "Islam vs. Islamists". You may join us in protesting this by joining the site, "Free the Film". They have taken too much advantage of us with our own money...
The Glenn Beck Show airs from 7PM-8PM EST (4PM-5PM PST) and from 9PM-10PM EST (6PM-7PM PST) and from 12AM-1AM EST (9PM-10PM PST). The exact time of the segment with Dr. Jasser's interview is not known at this time.
The segment will build on yesterday's discussion on the program (Transcript is available here) on the recent Pew Research Center for the People & the Press out this week showing that "One in four younger U.S. Muslims support suicide bombings at least rarely." The study summary is linked here.
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