Wednesday, September 13, 2006

U.S. Military veternarian teams provide care in Kenya

Did you know that Military has veternarians? I was pleasantly surprised! This is an amazing article about the work we are doing in Kenya. Yes, Kenya! It is wonderful that we have the ability to help those who truly need and appreciate it.

By helping their animals to keep from spreading disease, we are helping the world. First, the animals will not spread any disease to the people closest to them. Secondly, this will save the world community from having to spend a lot of money to help the sick. Thirdly, no disease will spread to any other part of the world. These are all good reasons for this operation. Kudos to you! [Read the article here.] Thank you, and have a great day.

Category: (Military) Health, (Africa) Horn of Africa and (Military) HOA.