Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Religion of Brotherly Love v. AIFD

With an opening statement like that one might assume I was referring to the city of Philadelphia, but no. I am speaking about the Muslim Brotherhood. While it sounds nice, a brotherhood and all, it is a front group for terrorists. It has been ever since I've been looking into them. Heck, they were supporting terrorists even before that.

The Brotherhood sprung up in the year 1928 and was banned from existence due to terrorist acts toward the Egyptian government but was later reinstated in 1948 as a religious body only. That did not work out too well, so there was again a ban on the group in 1954. When some of the activists were executed, many fled to neighboring states.

Here are some more links to the history of the Muslim Brotherhood: This group, no matter it's birthplace and stated purpose at that time, has become a political and military arm on the Global War on Terrorism. They are the enemy. The problem we see today, however, is that our own government does not seem to recognize this fact. For shame.

I found a very educational article over at CounterTerrorismBlog:
PBS’s week-long “America at a Crossroads” series presented many of the issues and dilemmas now facing America in the War on Terrorism. The series got mixed reviews on content and temper. There were criticisms about its objectivity from both the left and right. But, despite its flaws, the series provided viewers with a heavy dose of food for thought. Hopefully, it will help stimulate discussion and debate among a growing number of Americans, and perhaps even lead to more close scrutiny and questioning of aspects of Administration policy.

I intend to write several blogs on issues discussed in the series. I had the opportunity to participate in one of the films, The Brotherhood, so I shall begin there. [Continue reading]
If you are interested, you can take a gander at this site: America at a Crossroads. This site is marvelously done. I have not yet listened to the program, but I can only imagine that it has been watered down. After all, we are still fighting to get CPB and PBS to release "Islam v. Islamists." (This is an earlier post I wrote.) The CounterTerrorismBlog contributor, Victor Comras, has contributed "The Brotherhood" to this series. Please visit his site for more information. (The link is above at the 'continue reading' link.)

The American Islamic Forum for Democracy is one of the moderate Islamic groups that speaks out against all the violence--without blaming others by saying, "But..." They do not blame Israel in the same breath. Their interest is in being heard so they can take their religion back from the psychopaths who have hijacked it. They are also fighting back against CAIR.

Here is a very good article I ran to on their site: PBS’ Islamist Apologists Muzzle Muslim Moderates at the site "9/11 Families for a Safe and Strong America," and here is an article written by M. Zuhdi Jasser. He can explain in more detail the crisis we are facing in our country between the dinosaur media vs. the rest of us.

We do not hear from the moderates, a question most often asked, because the media, the government and the Islamists we are at war with are preventing it. That should give you grave concern. After all, the documentary that was created, "Islam vs. Islamists", was bought and paid for by you and me with our tax dollars. That makes it government citizen owned. That also makes it censorship. Why are they doing this terrible thing? So as not to hurt our enemy's feelings? Very scary...

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