Friday, March 24, 2006

Iraqi Army Soldiers Find Multiple Weapons Caches

Yesterday this story came in while I was busy. I think you will appreciate it.
Created by Tawny M. Dotson, March 23, 2006

BAGHDAD, Iraq – Elements of the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Brigade, 6th Iraqi Army Division, found five weapons cache sites west of Baghdad March 22.

The caches contained 17 pressure plate initiators, 18 106mm heat rounds, 400 blasting caps, 20 Motorola radios with timers, 40 artillery rounds of various sizes and a large amount of .50 caliber rounds.

An Explosive Ordnance Disposal team arrived on the scene and conducted a controlled detonation to eliminate the threat.
The more weapons we are able to take out of play, the better the security will become.

While Syria and Iran continue to supply the terrorists inside Iraq, they had best keep an eye on their homeland. I can guarantee that it is rather unstable. Good!