Monday, February 05, 2007

"Oxygen Thief" Hall of Fame

This you have to take part in if you want to have get some stuff off your chest. I think this is a great idea. I have nominated Jimmy Carter. Apparently, so have many others! lol. Here is a little information:
    After several weeks of negotiations, we have finally decided to begin the process of creating our OXYGEN THIEF HALL OF FAME. The Hall will be updated yearly by our panel with input from our readers.

    The most critical issue right now is the Charter Members List. To that end, I humbly ask the readers here to submit their personal list and also ask that you send this request to friends, other bloggers, post on your own blogs, etc. The key is to create an unimpeachable inaugural class of Oxygen Thieves.
Oxygen Thief Hall of Fame is in charge of this, and you can e-mail Crotchety Old Bastard with your nominee. Here are topics from which to choose:

Don't forget about the media, namely Arkin. I know there's many more, but he's in my evil eye line of sight at the moment. Learn more about the Oxygen Thief Hall of Fame. All nominations must be received by February 27. Everyone have a nice day!

Hat tip: Sgt. Hook and Laughing Wolf over at Blackfive's.
